lunes, 9 de julio de 2007

Composition on my Talent!!

Hello my name is Karina, it enchants to me to make cake of chocolate is my favorite; since it is very easy for my; also it enchants to me to now make ice cream of all the flavors and my prescription for the preparation of the cake of chocolate and its ingredients ......


* 1 1/2 flour cups
* 1/3 cup of dust cacao
* ½ sugar cup * 250 gr. of butter
* 200 gr. of black chocolate in pieces
* 1 cda of mantequilla
* 4 eggs
* 1 cda of instantaneous coffee

***Preparation: Dressing gown mantequilla with the sugar until obtaining a cremosa mixture, separates the yolks of the clear ones of eggs, year the yolks to mantequilla beaten, year the flour and the cacao sievings little by little, aside in a pot in bath of Maria melts the chocolate in pieces with the spoonful of butter, once melted añádalo to the mixture, aside it dissolves the instantaneous coffee in a little water, and year slowly, finally it smoothly raises clear on the verge of snow and mézclelas. Spill in a mold previously lubricated and enharinado, takes to the furnace 350º until when introducing a small stick this leaves clean. Retire of the furnace and you strip, lets the cake cool in a grid. Aside it melts in bath of Maria 150 gr. of mantequilla and 150 gr. of chocolate in pieces, it spills this mixture on the cake and lets cool.

1 comentario:

Andrea Villalobos dijo...

hi karina I just wanna let you know that your blog is very good ..i hope to see you son!